See What This Micra Driver Was Caught Doing In Ibadan - Photos – AutoReportNG
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See What This Micra Driver Was Caught Doing In Ibadan – Photos



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It’s often been said that safety comes first in all we do, especially when it has to do with lives and properties. The FRSC are federal agencies that are mandated to regulate and control how cars and buses move, they are to check the amount of load(s) they carry if its roadworthy and will not pose risk to road users, most a times, we noticed that they are not always found in their duty post, those are found look away when money changes hands. Carrying overload is a serious road offense that both state and federal safety corps warn at.

A Micra driver in the city of Ibadan decided to do more than what its meant to do, just as the popular musician sang, “No go dey do pass yourself”. According to reports, the Micra Driver has zero #SafetyFirst rule, he was forced to park as the winds blowing the foams almost flip over the Micra Taxi off the road putting other road users at risk…This incident occurred at Oni and Sons Area Ring Road Ibadan.

See photos of the car below…

Photo Credit:
IBCity Ibadan

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